학년 - 학기 | 교과목 명 (*교과목명 클릭 시 개요 및 설명을 볼 수 있습니다.) |
학점-이론-실습 | 이수 구분 | |
한글명 | 영문명 | |||
1-1 | 물리치료학개론 | Introduction to Physical Therapy | 2-2-0 | 전공선택 |
1-1 | 의학용어 | Medical Terminology | 2-2-0 | 전공선택 |
1-1 | 인체해부학및실습 | Human Anatomy and Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
1-2 | 기능해부학 | Functional Anatomy | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |
1-2 | 신경과학 | Neuroscience | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |
2-2 | 근골격계진단학및실습 | Physical Diagnostics and Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
2-2 | 신경및심폐계진단학및실습 | Diagnosis and practice for Neurological and Cardiovascular, pulmonary Disorder | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
2-2 | 장애아동의이해 | Understanding of Children with Special Need | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |
2-2 | 물리적인자치료학및실습 | Physical Agents for Treatment Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
2-2 | 보장구의지학및보조공학 | Orthotics & Prosthetics and Assistive Technology | 2-2-0 | 전공선택 |
2-1 | 신체진단학및실습 | Physical Diagnostics and Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
2-2 | 기초운동치료학및실습 | Basic Therapeutic Exercise Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
2-1 | 재활의학 | Rehabilitation Medicine | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |
2-1 | 인체생리학 | Human Physiology | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |
2-1 | 임상운동학 | Clinical Kinesiology | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |
3-1 | 소아청소년재활학및실습 | Children and Adolescent Rehabilitation and Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
3-1 | 스포츠손상관리및실습 | Sports Injury Management and Practice | 2-1-2 | 전공선택 |
3-1 | 노인재활학 | Geriatric Rehabilitation | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |
3-1 | 기능훈련및실습 | Functional Training and Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
3-1 | 정형도수물리치료학및실습 | Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
3-2 | 신경계질환물리치료학및실습 | Physical Therapy for Neurological Conditions and Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공필수 |
3-2 | 연구방법론 | Research Methodology | 3-3-0 | 전공필수 |
3-2 | 피부계및기타질환물리치료학및실습 | Physical Therapy for Integumentory and Other Conditions and Practice | 2-1-2 | 전공선택 |
3-2 | 심호흡및순환계질환물리치료학및실습 | Physical Therapy for Cardiorespiratory and Circulatory Conditions and Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공필수 |
3-2 | 근골격계질환물리치료학및실습 | Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions and Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공필수 |
3-1 | 응용운동치료학및실습 | Applied Therapeutic Exercise Practice | 3-2-2 | 전공선택 |
4-1 | 심호흡및순환계물리치료임상실습 | Clinical Practicum in Cardiorespiratory and Circulatory Physical Therapy | 3-0-6 | 전공선택 |
4-1 | 피부계및기타물리치료임상실습 | Clinical Practicum in Integumentory and Other Physical Therapy | 1-0-2 | 전공선택 |
4-1 | 소아물리치료임상실습 | Clinical Practicum in pediatric Physical Therapy | 3-0-6 | 전공선택 |
4-1 | 근골격계물리치료임상실습 | Clinical Practicum in Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy | 3-0-6 | 전공선택 |
4-1 | 신경계물리치료임상실습 | Clinical Practicum in Neurological Physical Therapy | 3-0-6 | 전공필수 |
4-1 | 스포츠물리치료임상실습 | Clinical Practicum in Sports Physical Therapy | 3-0-6 | 전공선택 |
4-2 | 보건복지법규 | Law of health and welfare | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |
4-2 | 물리치료리빙랩캡스톤디자인 | Cap Stone Design of Physical Therapy | 2-0-4 | 전공필수 |
4-2 | 근골격계임상물리치료학및실습 | Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy and Practice for Clinic | 2-1-2 | 전공선택 |
4-2 | 신경계임상물리치료학및실습 | Neurological Physical Therapy and Practice for Clinic | 2-1-2 | 전공선택 |
4-2 | 물리치료비즈니스커뮤니케이션 | Business Communication for Physical Therapy | 1-0-2 | 전공필수 |
4-2 | 공중보건학 | Public Health | 3-3-0 | 전공선택 |